
Avondale Rapid Response

Avondale Housing Project – Construction of 42No. Unit Housing Development at Avondale Park Estate, Mulhuddart, Dublin 15.

Fire Safety Consultancy services Including Stage 1, Stage 3, Stage 4 and Stage 5 Services

• Stage 1 Services: Desktop review of proposed floor plan layout, elevations, sections and site maps to ensure compliance with Part B(Fire) of the Building Regulations employing the guidance standards of BS 9991 2001 (Fire safety in the design, management and use of residential buildings–Code of practice) and TGD B Vol 2-2017 (Fire Safety-Dwelling Houses) including checking compliance with IS 440 (Timber Frame Construction, Dwellings and Other Buildings).

• Stage 3 Services: Preparation of performance specification for the project in relation to the minimal fire safety requirements and review all Product Data Sheets as they pertain to fire safety elements and confirm conformance to the relevant standard(s)

• Stage 4 Services: During construction Site Inspections under the Building Control Amendment Regulations (BCAR) and associated reports, including verifying installation of cavity barriers, general compartment wall construction and fire separation between units and internal inspections of fire resisting elements (floors), verification of domestic smoke alarm installations and emergency escape requirements (e.g. provision of escape windows) etc.

• Stage 5 Services: Handover and Signoff with Ancillary Certification for the development.


Fingal County Council



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