
Fire Safety Strategy Compliance

FCC advise clients and/or design team on their responsibilities and statutory requirements under Part B (Fire) of the Building Regulations. As part of this service FCC will liaise with the design team and provide initial commentary on preliminary design layouts in terms of fire safety measures to be undertaken.

Fire Safety Drawings Markups

Review of initial design and revert back with specification recommendations necessary to bring the design into compliance with relevant standards and codes and Part B(Fire) of the Building Regulations.

Fire Safety Certificate Application

To achieve this service, FCC prepare and lodge fire safety certificate applications in consultation with our clients and/or client representatives/design team. FCC liaise with the Local Fire Authorities/Building Control throughout the application process to ensure applications run smoothly.

Tender Preparation

Preparing and issuing Tender documents on behalf of clients on a variety of projects from different disciplines, from Fire-stopping packages to complete new FDAS and Emergency Lighting systems. FCC can as part of its service, administer the contract from inception through to completion.

BCAR Inspection and Inspection Reports

Completion of BCAR Inspections and issue of Inspection reports, Final review of all Certification and issue of Ancillary Certificates on completion for compliance with Part B(Fire) of the Building Regulations.This is a necessary requirement for all new works under the building control (Amendment) Regulations 2014.

Risk Assessments and Issue of RA Reports

FCC is an expert in the risk assessing of existing premises. Each risk assessment includes a report on completion with recommendations to ensure Compliance with Part B(fire) of the Building Regulations are attained. This service can often include Issuing of schedule of remedial works where necessary and certification upon satisfactory completion. Inspection and advice on fire safety management, maintenance, record keeping, etc.

FDAS / ELS (Fire Detection and Alarm Systems / Emergency Lighting Systems)

FCC has vast experience in the inspection of licensed premise (Bars, Nightclubs, etc.) and issuing opinions on compliance with fire safety Regulations for liquor licence and dance licence Renewal.

Disability Access Consultancy

FCC has vast experience in the preparation of Disability Access Certificate (DAC) Applications to achieve compliance with Part M (Access & Use) of the Building Regulations 2014. We also organise pre-consultation with local authorities to obtain design approval in principle at an early stage.
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