
Connolly Hospital

Connelly Satellite Centre, James Connolly Memorial Hospital Campus, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15.

A New 3 storey 4800m2 wing to the existing hospital providing Pediatric Urgent Care accommodation, a Pediatric Outpatient service, a HSE Pediatric Primary Care Dental Service and a Child Sexual Abuse Unit on the James Connolly Memorial Hospital campus, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15.

Fire Safety Consultancy services from stage 1 to stage 5:

Stage 1 Services: Evaluate proposed architectural design and through the preparation of appropriate reports and drawings to guide it towards a design that is compliant with the Building Regulations and the mainstream design standards for healthcare buildings (HTM 05, suite of codes).

Stage 2 Services: Preparation and lodging of Fire Safety Certificate Applications, and guidance and overseeing of same to successful issue of Fire Safety Certificate by Local Authority. (As this project was of national importance it was afforded a fast-tracked engagement with the fire authority and resulted in an early delivery of a successful grant of Fire Safety Certificate)

Stage 3 Services: Support services for the construction tender process and provide clarification and technical support to the progress the project.

Stage 4 Services, i.e.: During construction, site Inspections under the Building Control Amendment Regulations (BCAR) and issue of associated reports.

Stage 5 Services, i.e.: Handover and Signoff with Ancillary Certification for the development.


National Paediatric Hospital Development Board (NPHDB)



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