
Tallaght Hospital

NCH Tallaght Satellite Centre, Tallaght Hospital, Belgard Square, North, Cookstown, Dubin 24

A new three-storey building measuring approximately 4800m2, the project also contained a proportion of refurbishment works on the ground floor of the existing Tallaght Hospital where the current administration areas were transferred to the National Children’s Hospital.

FCC Fire Cert Ltd have been involved from conception to completion (Stage 1 to 5 services) with respect to fire safety for the project. The project was completed in June 2021.

Fire Safety Consultancy services from stage 1 to stage 5:

FCC Fire Cert Ltd reviewed the initial concept designs generated by the Architect/NCH Design brief and provided fire safety compliance guidance by way of preliminary design review reports and draft fire compliance drawings to determine the optimum location for the project on the campus and the best fire compliance configuration for the building. FCC also offered advice with regard to the overall fire safety master-planning for the project and in particular how existing fire brigade access/escape routes would be maintained during the course of construction.

FCC developed the final fire safety strategy for the building to which a Fire Safety Certificate application was sought and successfully received. During the course of the Fire Safety Certificate process The Fire Safety Certificate was secured early into the project process which meant the fire safety compliance was established early in the tender documentation development stage without causing any impact in terms of cost variation to the project.

FCC also reviewed the contractors’ various technical submittals for compliance, requested and reviewed fire safety Benchmarks for various installations ranging from fire doors, fire dampers, fire stopping and carried out frequent inspections throughout the construction process (12 months) to ensure that the passive and active fire safety installations were being installed as per manufacturer’s installation requirements to ensure a high level of compliance.

Prior to completion of the project FCC carried out multiple, extensive reviews of all relevant fire safety certification documentation issued by the contractor(s) to ensure that the appropriate paperwork was in order (as it pertained to fire safety) so that the required BCAR certification and completion of its Stage 5 services for the project could be delivered.


National Paediatric Hospital Development Board (NPHDB)



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